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This is Pequod!
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Mensaje por Poyo » 15 Feb 2017, 14:16

OK, no entendia bien eso de enviarlos fisicos, habiendo tantos dumps dando vuelta, despues sin leer mucho supuse que queria tener la coleccion fisica, pero los iba a devolver... el tema es que ahora no le queda otra que comerla, alto boludo por no usar los correos privados mas grosos, o al menos asegurar el contenido :roll:

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Blast Processing
Mensajes: 11142
Registrado: 21 Dic 2007, 10:51
Ubicación: Algo


Mensaje por Kanon » 15 Feb 2017, 20:54

Pero cuantos con chip co-procesadores habia? debe haber 10 como mucho, y seguro la gran mayoria se pueden encontrar en cartuchos de valor comun (creo que la mayoria de los caros no lleva co-procesador) Lo de los scans te lo entiendo, pero hubiera sido mas facil escanearlos en origen en vez de shippear...
GamerTag XboxLive: KanonZombie
PSN Id: KanonZombie

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El Chaos
Mensajes: 825
Registrado: 21 Mar 2008, 13:59


Mensaje por El Chaos » 16 Feb 2017, 14:34

El chabón es muy perfeccionista, tiene todo un setup customizado grande como un departamento para hacer todo el proceso de manera eficiente ahí donde vive. Acá responde virtualmente todas las preguntas y reconoce todas sus cagadas, incluyendo lo del correo privado:

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Blast Processing
Mensajes: 11142
Registrado: 21 Dic 2007, 10:51
Ubicación: Algo


Mensaje por Kanon » 24 Feb 2017, 09:29

Se salvó el ratatouille que no quiso pagar un shipping un poco mas caro...
Missing $10K SNES Package Has Been Found

After losing hope of recovering a valuable package full of SNES games, a game collector who goes by Byuu has announced the SNES package has been found. The package, which is said to carry $10,000 worth of SNES games, was lost last month by the US postal system and considered gone forever.

However, after news sites began to cover the disappearance, employees at the USPS began a nationwide search for the package, eventually finding it in an Atlanta, Georgia mail recovery center. The games, which belong to another collector, had been sent to Byuu as part of a project to scan and archive every SNES game.

When the package was originally lost, Byuu considered the project dead and started collecting donations to repurchase each of the lost games for the original collector. Now that the games have been recovered, Byuu has canceled the donations and refunded those dedicated gamers and fans who had provided funds.


As far as how the discovery happened, Byuu offered a detailed description of how the right amount of media attention spurred a deeper hunt for the games, which eventually helped the USPS find the lost package. Byuu said:

“Both before and after February 14th, news sites had started to pick up this story. For which I am extremely grateful. It wasn’t until the story really started to take off that on February 16th, finally a manager at the USPS Consumer Affairs department took note of the case. And I mean that literally: he told me straight up the reason he was contacting me was because of the news articles he had encountered on this case. So thanks to the coverage, I finally had a strong contact within the USPS who passed me to his employee who then proceeded to open an investigation and help search for the package.

“On February 21st, I received an e-mail on the missing mail search I had submitted on January 30th, informing me that my package had been located! Excited, I contacted my CA rep… who then proceeded to tell me that the search had failed, and that the e-mail notification was errant. However, she promised to request all possible locations the package could have ended up at to do one last search.

“The CA rep called me late in the day advising that someone in the Atlanta, GA mail recovery centre had just now located my package! Thankfully, the photographs I took of the packages before sending back the first batch of 100 games proved useful with exact appearance, dimensions, weight, etc being available for the search team. Still, given all the constant ups and downs, I wanted to wait until the package was in hand before giving anyone any false hope.

“Finally, today, February 23rd, the ordeal is finally over! The package arrived safely, with all games intact.”

It’s fortunate that the games were discovered when they were, considering lost packages only go to the Atlanta recovery center when they’re on their way to public auction.

Unsurprisingly, Byuu said he’ll be more careful when shipping SNES or other important packages in the future.
GamerTag XboxLive: KanonZombie
PSN Id: KanonZombie

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Blast Processing
Mensajes: 11142
Registrado: 21 Dic 2007, 10:51
Ubicación: Algo


Mensaje por Kanon » 29 May 2017, 13:54

Que es Sega Forever?

Haciendola corta, y no muy informado: Parece que Sega habia registrado cuentas en Facebook, Twitter y Reddit con ese nombre. Despues de un tiempo de misterio y especulación, salió un chabon que instalo una versión de Comix Zone para iOS en Phillipinas (raro, pero vi que varias betas y cosas asi las lanzan en esa region primero). En las pantallas que manda el tipo, se ve que tiene opcion para un newsletter llamado Sega Forever (lo que confirmaría que la movida viene de Sega posta y no un tipo cualquiera que registro las cuentas), y en el boton para comprar el juego en lugar de jugar con publicidad, el boton de compra tambien menciona Sega Forever. Tambien habla de lanzamiento de proximos juegos. Tambien dice que existe una encuesta enviada por Sega sobre preferencias de generos, IPs y consolas de SEGA (incluyendo Dreamcast). Todo indica que se viene un ecosistema de Sega reflotando los viejos juegos en nuevas plataformas (al menos las mobile, pero me juego por Steam tambien)




La encuesta:
Spoiler!!! Click para leer!:






GamerTag XboxLive: KanonZombie
PSN Id: KanonZombie

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This is Pequod!
Mensajes: 7773
Registrado: 03 Mar 2008, 22:50


Mensaje por Poyo » 29 May 2017, 22:03

Refloten Streets of Rage!!!! :desmayo:

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This is Pequod!
Mensajes: 7773
Registrado: 03 Mar 2008, 22:50


Mensaje por Poyo » 09 Jun 2017, 15:21

The Sega Genesis is getting a premium, feature-packed Flashback release this year

A new, premium Sega Genesis Flashback console from AtGames will be released this September, and the feature list includes some serious improvements from past product lines.


The system comes with 85 games built in — including seven Sonic titles, Virtua Fighter 2 and Altered Beast — as well as a cartridge slot so you can play “most” of your Genesis and Mega Drive games. Two 2.4ghz wireless controllers, not infrared, are included in the box.

The Flashback also includes standard Genesis ports so you can use your existing wired controllers. The system’s case is designed to look like the classic console, instead of using a stylized shell that’s meant to evoke the Genesis without actually copying it.

“Other new features for the Sega Genesis Flashback include 720p HDMI output, scan line filtering, and a save/pause/rewind feature for every game,” the company states.


These are very welcome upgrades from past classic console releases, but the company isn’t releasing a price for the hardware yet, and the quality of the built-in emulation will also be unknown until we get our hands on the system itself. ... e=facebook
Que linda que es :corazon:

En el terreno de la emulación hogareña, me encontré con un frontend muy copado, con un feel similar a Hyperspin, pero mas personalizable y sencillo de configurar (videos, logos, marquesinas, etc)


Todos seleccionables (tiene soporte para muchos otros emuladores) desde la comodidad de tu gamepad o teclado, incluso me dieron ganas de armar un arcade multijuegos :D
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El Chaos
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Registrado: 21 Mar 2008, 13:59


Mensaje por El Chaos » 01 Ago 2017, 10:11

Alto video, muy informativo:

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El Chaos
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Registrado: 21 Mar 2008, 13:59


Mensaje por El Chaos » 16 Ago 2017, 09:38

Parte 2:

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Blast Processing
Mensajes: 11142
Registrado: 21 Dic 2007, 10:51
Ubicación: Algo


Mensaje por Kanon » 04 Sep 2017, 19:01

Poned los fideos


GamerTag XboxLive: KanonZombie
PSN Id: KanonZombie


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