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Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 09 Jun 2008, 10:48
por Kanon
Le dice "Maestro" en el preview :nonono:

Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 09 Jun 2008, 10:59
por JediX
La verdad: impresentable... :nonono: (En esta no te puedo bancar, Jorgito...)

Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 11 Ago 2008, 15:01
por Kanon
Del revoew de AICN que puse recien...
Their genius booster shot in the arm of suckdom? A plucky tween girl sidekick who keeps getting herself into trouble while being delightfully precocious and calling Anakin... Darth fucking Vader himself... Skyguy. Again. And again. And again. Every time this 14-year-old little monster opens her mouth to say something "witty" my jaw went slack and my eyes rolled into the back of my skull. She's unbearable, absolutely excruciating to watch, and yet she finds herself in almost every scene of the film. She's around so much I half expected her to pop up in scenes with the emperor or the Hutts, just stumbling into frame while saying something "cute" like "Oops, wrong door," or "This isn't the shuttle bay."

Seriously, the only way she could be any more annoying is if she added the word MEESA to the beginning of every sentence and BOMBAD to the end of it. You beginning to feel me? I get that they might be working towards a Luke Skywalker type transformation, but that doesn't replace the fact that A) her very presence makes me want to punch the person nearest me in the face repeatedly and B) she will not, ever, play a part in the mythology of the original films... or the fanfic prequel films... at all, unless Lucas goes back in to tinker with them AGAIN. So odds are she will meet a bitter untimely end sometime later in the series, like randomly slamming into an asteroid like the Han Solo clone from Shadows of the Empire. If and when that happens, I MIGHT tune in. If I don't just youtube the scene. Again. And again. And again.

Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 11 Ago 2008, 15:05
por Poyo
Seriously, the only way she could be any more annoying is if she added the word MEESA to the beginning of every sentence and BOMBAD to the end of it.
O sea que casi tan irritante como jar jar :roll:

Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 11 Ago 2008, 15:16
por Dawi
Dios....creo que ya voy con mentalidad de que va a ser mala.... :/


Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 11 Ago 2008, 15:31
por Kanon
Me acabo de dar cuenta, que segun el review
Spoiler!!! Click para leer!:
Ahoka no muere, y podemos esperar mas en la serie de TV! :estallido:

Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 11 Ago 2008, 15:44
por Devil_May_Cry
y tienen que seguir sacandole dinero a los nerds :risamalvada:

Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 11 Ago 2008, 15:49
por Dawi
Devil_May_Cry escribió:y tienen que seguir sacandole dinero a los nerds :risamalvada:
Se limpia el traste con billetes de $100 George (que eso esta mal hay gente que no tiene para comer :S :/) pero asi y todo....sigue robando y se las ingenia!


Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 11 Ago 2008, 22:19
por Poyo

Re: Ashoka - Padawan para el joven Skywalker?

Publicado: 13 Ago 2008, 09:19
por Kanon
Dios, que molesta! encima queda como el orto como le dice todo el tiempo "Skyicito" a Anakin... (Skyguy en el original)